Give Yourself Permission To Be Creative Today [VIDEO]
Here’s One Beautiful Way To Tolerate Isolation [VIDEO]
Go outside if you’re able, breathe the airthere are trees for huggingdon’t be embarrassedit’s your friend, it’s your mother,...
One Woman’s Path To God In Japan
わたしのチイサナココロ is a short documentary following the steps of one woman’s journey along the...
Will Population Growth Destroy Life Or Is This Prophecy Just Ungrounded Panic ?
The team over at Kurzgesagt are decidedly in favour of the theory that the the global population will never come to reach 12 billion, as the population starts to being reach its tipping point around the year 2070. Their case is based on a four-stage theory of demographic transition... Read more
Please Consider This Next Time Hear Someone Talk About Anxiety/Depression
This time of year can be extremely challenging for those who deal with depression or anxiety. The hypersensitivity of those afflicted can easily be turned into isolation, as the sunlight hours become less and less heading towards the winter solstice. Historically, I find myself slowly edging into a depression... Read more
Need An EpiPen But Don’t Want To Spend $300 Every Year? – Look No Further!
If you are one of those unfortunate individuals like myself who needs to carry around an EpiPen with them everywhere they go, you might be surprised to find out just how easy it is to make your own. The supplies required to make your very own pen would run... Read more
Veronia Mars Come Clean About Her Own Struggle With Mental Health [VIDEO]
Here is another big win for those who are struggling with mental health. Veronica Mars exposes to the world her very own life-long struggle with depression and anxiety with For those of you who can’t relate to or diminish Kristen Bell’s suffering, you might relate to a more manly man like... Read more
A Glass Of Milk A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away? [VIDEO]
This video will really make you question the motives of the government when it comes to their dietary recommendations. I fall in the 25% of Americans that can’t digest milk or any dairy products, and to make up for the lack of nutrients in my diet(or so they thought),... Read more
Doug Leddin Is Going Viral With This Vulnerable Video About Depression [VIDEO]
Big Ups to Doug for blasting through his fears, and stepping out in victory by voicing his personal, yet so very common battle with depression. Like Doug says in the video, “depression is so well documented”, and yet we still have to fight through a barricade of lies that... Read more
WebPoisonControl Is An Online System That Will Help You If You’ve Been Poisoned
Here is a new powerful website that might just save your life if you think you might have been poisoned(self-induced or not).  It is a remarkable new service that actually connects you with medical advice about toxicology and poisoning using algorithms. Poison control centers are the 55 centers around the country... Read more
Imagine What Things Would Look Like If We Treated Alcohol Like Other Schedule 1 Drugs [VIDEO]
Imagine if you read articles posted about the dangers of alcohol written with the same potency as you would typically come across for schedule 1 drugs. “There has been an outbreak and widespread use of a very dangerous substance called “booze” — also known as “alcohol” in the community this week.... Read more
There Is Nothing Like An Anxiety Infographic To Start Your Day Off Right
  Anxiety disorders are among the top 10 reasons for disability in nearly all regions of the world. Startling: 36% of people with social anxiety disorder experience symptoms for 10 years before seeking help. Competence leads to confidence. Develop skills to perform well in situations you are anxious over.... Read more
Natural Thyroid Supplements Might Just Be What You Need
Increasing numbers of people are developing thyroid issues. This may be due to the result of increasing pollutants that make their way into the food chain, or genetical influence. One thing that science has proven is that it may also be due to the deficiency of vitamins and nutrients... Read more
Here Are The Results From The Longest Study On Happiness Ever [VIDEO]
Another Republican Civilian Explains The Vital Need For ObamaCare In America [VIDEO]
The idea that ObamaCare is getting in the way of the “American way” and should be repealed if Republicans were to enter office is disgusting! Then again, you might be one of those people who have no soul either. If that hurt your feelings, I’m not sorry! And, if you were living... Read more