A Glass Of Milk A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away? [VIDEO] A Glass Of Milk A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away? [VIDEO]
This video will really make you question the motives of the government when it comes to their dietary recommendations. I fall in the 25%... A Glass Of Milk A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away? [VIDEO]

This video will really make you question the motives of the government when it comes to their dietary recommendations. I fall in the 25% of Americans that can’t digest milk or any dairy products, and to make up for the lack of nutrients in my diet(or so they thought), it was recommended by a physician that I take calcium supplements daily. All I really needed to do to make up for the minuscule difference was to increase the amount of greens I ate each week.

Today we are very fortunate to have many alternatives to dairy, but growing up as a young boy it was very difficult to access quality soy or rice milk products, and having to resort to water on my breakfast cereal sometimes got old very quickly.

If you have been feeling the pressure to consume excessive amounts of dairy through subconscious and invasive marketing, I hope this video shines some light on what really is creating that urgency for you.


  • Gregory Brown

    October 15, 2016 #1 Author

    If you are serious with your diet, add milk on it to have better results through your bodybuilding journey! Make it more enjoyable through applying and experimenting on some culinary tricks like doing protein shakes, meal replacement shakes and post-workout shakes with either skimmed or breastmilk!

    Add milk to your diet can give you nutrients more than those written on the label. Milk can also provide us enough calories to be able to keep up with high intensity workouts. Thus a good source of water, protein and carbohydrates, drink milk before you sleep because milk can also help us relax our body to avoid fatigue!


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