Go outside if you’re able, breathe the airthere are trees for huggingdon’t be embarrassedit’s your friend, it’s your mother,...
One Woman’s Path To God In Japan
Inspire & Motivate Jan 15, 2020 0
わたしのチイサナココロ is a short documentary following the steps of one woman’s journey along the...
Developing a Great Marketing Campaign
Informative September 28, 2017 0
For anyone in business, it’s no secret that your products and services are just part of what it takes to make you successful. You also need a great marketing campaign to make sure that potential customers know who you are and what you do. Of course, that’s much easier... Read more
It’s September again, and you know what that means for the typical North American family? It means it’s time for you to start feeling inadequate about your old cell phone. Children head back to school, while their parents head to work and are blasted with the latest commentary on... Read more
Here is a powerful new marketing campaign exposing just how terrifying it is for women to continually be the focus of objectification in the mass media. If they’re not obsessed with achieving a thigh gap, they’re likely attempting to plump their lips to Kylie Jenner standard. But, Women Not Objects... Read more
These Woman Are Taking A Stand Against The Objectification Of Women In Ads [VIDEO]
Informative January 29, 2016 1
This is a very powerful video, that you will probably share after watching…….that’s all I’m going to say about that! Read more
Here Is Some Truth About Yams You Can Hash Out Over Thanksgiving Dinner
Informative November 23, 2015 0
It may come as a surprise to you health nuts out there that yams are actually white in the middle and not orange. How many of you out there have righteously told someone the difference between sweet potatoes and yams resides in the meat of the vegetable. The white coloured ones... Read more
Contrast Between Values & Marketing By Steve Jobs
LeadershipMindset February 19, 2013 1
Are you feeling crazy enough to change the world? Do you have the guts and ability to be driven from within the pursue your goals regardless of any worldly obstacles? How easily do we get pushed off course by other peoples beliefs in us, and sometimes take hold of... Read more
Network Marketing Done By Mr. Rohn
Inspire & MotivateLeadership November 28, 2012 0
People love to buy, people love to be sold ideas, and most of all people like to buy from people they like. The best network marketer has an incredible charm for peoples attention, and can shape a room to his demands. How can you go about shaping your own... Read more