Give Yourself Permission To Be Creative Today [VIDEO]
Here’s One Beautiful Way To Tolerate Isolation [VIDEO]
Go outside if you’re able, breathe the airthere are trees for huggingdon’t be embarrassedit’s your friend, it’s your mother,...
One Woman’s Path To God In Japan
わたしのチイサナココロ is a short documentary following the steps of one woman’s journey along the...
These Celebrities Swear By The Law Of Attraction – Do You?
Rhonda Byrne brought a lot of attention to Law of Attraction with the release of her book The Secret, but the use of visualization and intention has been used in one form or another for hundreds of years. These individuals have put this concept into action for years and... Read more
Make Sure You Look For Girls With Perfect Bi-lateral Symmetry At The Bar Tonight [VIDEO]
Arguably there are far less subtle qualities which inspire attraction than these subconscious cues, but they have been proven to play a major part in the attraction process. The difficultly for many people watching this video is that you might view perfect bilateral symmetry as a secondary attraction in... Read more
E-Squared By Pam Grout – Book Review – Energy Experiments
Hay House has released another amazing book for you energy enthusiasts. E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds. – M.Garvey   Pam Grout has taken a stab at transferring the skills and know-how of... Read more
It’s Saturday, and you are feeling a little run down from the week and want to sit in bed all afternoon. You want to recharge your batteries for the next week ahead at that job that doesn’t pay you well enough for how hard you work, and doesn’t empower... Read more