E-Squared By Pam Grout – Book Review – Energy Experiments E-Squared By Pam Grout – Book Review – Energy Experiments
Hay House has released another amazing book for you energy enthusiasts. E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Emancipate yourself... E-Squared By Pam Grout – Book Review – Energy Experiments

Hay House has released another amazing book for you energy enthusiasts. E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds. – M.Garvey


Pam Grout has taken a stab at transferring the skills and know-how of  the Field of Potentiality to the average learner, and really nailed it. This book is filled with nine experiments you can do at home in your own time to test the theory that “thoughts do actually become things”. I know from my own experience and journey down the road of nonlocality that there is a huge craving for more and more when it comes educating ourselves, but maybe that might not be the best approach to follow. For a few months last year I would start and finish a book every week, striving for that expert level of insight. I am not saying that I don’t still read avidly for the same purpose, but today I seek to improve not knowledge but application.

Because we are all filled with such doubt around the topic of mindset change, energetics, attraction, and coaching, we have these unconscious beliefs set in stone that make it very challenging to accept new perspectives in life. So we then continue to read and seek more information from various authors all to hear the same message, but spoken in different words. Regardless of the thought leader you prefer to read or listen to, most of them are saying the exact same thing, but in a different tone or style of communication that you gravitate to. Whether it is Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, or Pam Grout to name a few, the foundational message and concepts are all the same. The only difference is your underlying prejudice stops your from hearing it. Some people have gender, cultural, age, geographic, or communication bias that prevent you from connecting with the teacher (Yes, I have been guilty of this myself), but if you drop the prejudice the message all rings true.

Is Pam’s message translated through the strongest rhetoric?……..maybe not, but she does relay the message in a very friendly manner with strong experimental conviction. Could you read this one book and simply practice and practice the experiments until they materialize, and be done with reading up on the power of thought?……absolutely! Chances are you won’t though because you are still filled with doubt and curiosity.

I highly recommend this book for an easy to follow, light-hearted read. The critics have reviewed this book with high reward, but enough with the judgement and review already. Go grab your copy and get to work and then share your experiences below!

We fall short not in knowledge or information, but rather in application. It is the refinement and rigorous daily practice of a few simple concepts that will create your new life, not the absorption of more literature (you are smart enough already).

My favourite Experiment in the book was “The Volkswagen Jetta Principle”. This experiment proved itself to be very powerful.

I’d love to hear about your success with the 9 do-it-yourself energy experiments, so please share you experiences below.


Practice Practice Practice

  • Lars

    December 23, 2013 #1 Author

    Love this book. So glad you are writing about it. Huge fan of Pam.


    • growthguided

      December 23, 2013 #2 Author

      She really makes it is to follow along when you speaks about such complex issues.

      Im glad you enjoyed it =)


  • Dennis

    October 26, 2014 #3 Author

    OK, I’m 27.5 hours into the first experiment which asked for proof of this FP, of which I have read about before and yes do want it to work for me as I have an abundant life and help others in the process.
    So far, a series of negative events has unfolded before me.
    I wish it was different.


    • growthguided

      October 26, 2014 #4 Author

      Just trust that these negative events will rise and fall and then you will return to your life that brings you abundance then. Nothing wrong with going through a down time in life.


  • Brenda

    June 20, 2018 #5 Author

    I fall asleep every night to E2. I love this book and I’m trusting that the principles and teachings and practices will help me in my life now as a single lady at an older age. Thank you for this book and these lessons.


    • growthguided

      June 20, 2018 #6 Author

      You are most welcome Brenda. Thank you for saying hello (:


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