Picture this, It’s Monday morning, you wake up to a rainy morning, your thoughts start drumming in loud! It is so early, and you...

Picture this,

It’s Monday morning, you wake up to a rainy morning, your thoughts start drumming in loud! It is so early, and you didn’t get enough recovery sleep from the party filled weekend and you feel lethargic. You have a huge project due this week for your boss and you worry there won’t be enough time to have it finished for Friday’s deadline. You then think to yourself, if I do get it done, it won’t be the best work you have done and it will appear very rushed and sloppy. If you don’t put together a great package for your boss you might not get the year-end bonus. If you don’t get the bonus, you might not get that new management position in six months you have been working diligently towards. You have been telling all your friends about this position that you claim to basically have already, and if you don’t get it you will really seem like a failure. Then no one will believe what you say, and everyone will call you a liar, and nobody will like you. If you aren’t liked by your social circle, how are you ever gonna find a life partner and get married and have kids, so what is the point in life anyways?

I know you can relate to this out of control thought that spiral to the bitter end. None of these things have actually happened in life yet and you haven’t even left your bed to start the day (can you relate?). Our internal critic comes alive so quickly and ruined any motivation for success that week. Our subconscious mind has been wired for these aggressive and negative mindsets that liberate no one. Instead of maintaining that mindset of, take it as it comes, and just putting one foot forward at a time, we create a massive internal battlefield filled with a well equipped delusional army. STOP IT!

Whether you like it or not, you are choosing to affirm these thoughts that lead directly to anxiety and tension. Ask yourself, if my best friend were here, would they voice these same negative thoughts to me?

No, they would support you and give you guidance around these mental barriers. They would then shine light on the fact that you are more than capable of finishing your project before the deadline, and everything will continue forward on your path to management!

Through a series of conflicting events in life we hold on our mini-failures and then subconsciously label ourselves as failures (this is a mental lie we tell ourselves). It’s no wonder our first thoughts that come to mind are critical and negative.


Negative Thoughts


Be the observer of your thoughts, and stand guard at the door of your mind. Act as the prison guard that will only allow positive thoughts to permeate into your belief system about the world and how you fit into it. When these thought patterns of failure start creeping in understand that you can deliberately adjust the internal dialogue. Just like negative thoughts create physical responses that are destructive to the body, positive thoughts can do the opposite. So why not chose to tell yourself that success is eminent instead of failure! You’re worth it!


For more guidance, check out a great post Steve Pavlina wrote about crushing these negative thought patterns.


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