Give Yourself Permission To Be Creative Today [VIDEO]
Here’s One Beautiful Way To Tolerate Isolation [VIDEO]
Go outside if you’re able, breathe the airthere are trees for huggingdon’t be embarrassedit’s your friend, it’s your mother,...
One Woman’s Path To God In Japan
わたしのチイサナココロ is a short documentary following the steps of one woman’s journey along the...
Social Media Industrial Complex
Where would you visit if nobody could follow you on your journey? It’s incredible how frequently people travel – not with the passion to explore, but rather the passion to impress. By chance, did you question your own motives the last time you went to book a trip? Or... Read more
Could This Right-Winger Be Right About Your Man’s Wandering Eyes? [VIDEO]
Dennis Prager is by no means a moderate, so this bold perspective on why men stare at other woman probably won’t come as a shock to you. Regardless of what your feelings are towards the man, he does bring forth some interesting points on the subject matter. I can... Read more
Say Nay To NRA – Nonsensical Rifle Addiction [VIDEO]
The video lists some of the statistics related to gun homicides and accidents in the United States from the Gun Violence Archive: 24,000 injuries and 11,000 deaths so far this year, roughly 40 deaths a day. “NRA is a constitutional disorder caused by a dysfunction of the prefrontal Second... Read more
Tax Cuts For The Rich Is Deplorable – Take It From This Billionaire  [VIDEO]
We interrupt our regular scheduled programming for some political discourse on taxation. And what better person to speak on the subject, than the likes of someone who ran a hedge fund for high-net-worth individuals. Don’t worry, we will be back shortly with some more emotionally stirring content for your... Read more
Developing a Great Marketing Campaign
For anyone in business, it’s no secret that your products and services are just part of what it takes to make you successful. You also need a great marketing campaign to make sure that potential customers know who you are and what you do. Of course, that’s much easier... Read more
Achieving The Dream Of Entrepreneurship – Franchising
Achieving the Dream of Entrepreneurship There is probably nothing more fundamental in an economy than the ability of ambitious individuals to start a business and earn their living with their own resourcefulness and hard work. For people who are interested in exploring this opportunity, it may sometimes seem like... Read more
Elizabeth Gilbert Quotes That Will Liberate Your Heart
Elizabeth Gilbert is quite expressive when it comes to attraction and love. Let this author of Eat Pray Love give you an expanded degree of understanding when it comes to sex, love and relationships today. Her perfectly selected words beautifully communicate many of our very own thoughts about love,... Read more
Don’t Let Insecurity Get In The Way Of Your Learning
Readers are somewhat hesitant to immerse themselves in the mind of some of the greatest philosophers. They hesitate because they feel deeply inadequate to the accomplishments and admiration of these highly regarded characters, thinking they would never be able to relate with their work because it would probably be... Read more Is Your Kind Of Store If You Are In For High Quality Products & Laughs
This is a hilarious website that features some of the highest rated products that Amazon has to offer. If you love high quality products but hate spending the long hours searching the web,  then is just the perfect site for you. They have already done the research for you... Read more
Fear Of Flying? Find Out What Happens If An Emergency Door Is Opened Mid-Flight
Being an anxious flyer, I will absolutely admit to having wild thoughts around the emergency exit. From time to time I may or may not have even wondered what would happen if I freaked during the flight and tried to escape during the flight. Clearly I would never act... Read more
Are You Addicted To Schadenfreude? [VIDEO]
Who would have thought that there was an actual term used for this rarely talked about emotional experience? You may have even experienced Schadenfreude earlier this morning while watching fail videos on YouTube (: Read more
6 Ways To Stay Motivated When You Feel  Like You’re In A Slump
Life certainly has its ups and downs. When you’re up, it’s great. The sun shines brighter, the food tastes better, and the world is borderline musical. But it can feel pretty short lived; especially when you compare it to when you’re down.   When something bad happens in your... Read more