Based in parable, a western man goes for a walk in a near by forest and comes across a brilliant sage. Throughout their connection...

Based in parable, a western man goes for a walk in a near by forest and comes across a brilliant sage. Throughout their connection are guided stories, tests, and experiences in the wild, the sage challenges Millman to examine 12 principles that underlie human existence.

  • balance
  • choice
  • process
  • presence
  • compassion
  • faith
  • expectation
  • integrity
  • action
  • cycles
  • surrender
  • unity.

These well sought out principles can impact your wealth, health, careers, spirituality and love if applied with care to your every day life. The most valuable law for me that I read over more than once for clarity was the Law of Expectation. I know most of you might be under the belief of “drop your expectations and take what is” approach to life, but expectations are shaped in a different context in this book that is varied from our typical view. The greatest adjustment to the idea involves vocalizing our doubts prior to connecting your visualized end result. One of the best quotes from this section of the book was “your thoughts colour the windows through which you see the world, your beliefs become the building blocks of experience”. So set your experiences to be of the best value and it will be so in reality.

I know many of you like read a few pages of the book before purchase, so here is a link to Google Books. I know this quick read will be of great inspiration for you.



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