Go outside if you’re able, breathe the airthere are trees for huggingdon’t be embarrassedit’s your friend, it’s your mother,...
One Woman’s Path To God In Japan
Inspire & Motivate Jan 15, 2020 0
わたしのチイサナココロ is a short documentary following the steps of one woman’s journey along the...
Putting Covid and politics aside for a few minutes, Aziz cleverly addresses one common societal problem that many of us can easily be caught in, even if we have the best of intentions. Our inability to practice the restraint of pen and tongue online is highlighted in this short... Read more
Sin, the missing of the mark, is such a layered topic. The visceral responses within can be extreme. Some tied to ignorance, others tied to childhood experiences that no one should ever have to experience. Sin, has lost a lot of its power over the years as I strive... Read more
A part of me wants to stay right where I am. A part of me wants to hide myself from the world, remaining glued to my anger. A part of me wants to defend why life is a struggle, and will never be easy. A part of me wants... Read more
This is absolutely fantastic! Read more
Honest Gil is here to plant seeds of trust and hope into the hearts of the American people. His approach to politics is like no other. Be prepared for some hard-hitting truth in his campaign video. Move over Hilary, we have a new front-runner for the democratic party leadership.... Read more
Feel Good Story Of The Week – Sunken GoPro
Informative September 23, 2015 0
Here is a great example of a stand up citizen doing the right thing. What would you do if you found a GoPro camera? Read more
Stop The Lies!
Informative June 21, 2013 0
Mar and Angel create a few “Must Live By” points! How often do we get caught in the lies that we tell ourselves, over and over! Here are some solutions to help you break free from the torment! The worst lies are the ones you tell yourself over... Read more