Go outside if you’re able, breathe the airthere are trees for huggingdon’t be embarrassedit’s your friend, it’s your mother,...
One Woman’s Path To God In Japan
Inspire & Motivate Jan 15, 2020 0
わたしのチイサナココロ is a short documentary following the steps of one woman’s journey along the...
QUIZ TIME – Only 33% Of People Passed This Test
Informative November 21, 2015 0
The World Bank, Gallup, Standard & Poor’s and George Washington University gave a personal financial quiz to 150,000 people in more than 140 countries. You would be amazed to find out that only 1/3 of the individuals passed the test. To pass, people had to demonstrate competency in three... Read more
You might be surprised to learn that around two million households file for bankruptcy a year in the United States. If you are sitting in shame or fear regarding your own recent bankruptcy filings, just know that it is utilized far more often than you think. Read more
How Safe Is Your Financial Plan?
Inspire & MotivateLeadership February 6, 2013 0
Are you safe with the simple plan of working for 20-30 years and then retire on your 401k that you have been paying into every month and will rarely afford you with a life of your dreams. Are you holding on to your bucket list to take place when... Read more