Struggling With Questions About The Bible? Maybe This Video Might Help You Struggling With Questions About The Bible? Maybe This Video Might Help You
Spirituality is one of the most difficult decisions one has to make and one of the hardest things to uncover in life. Who should... Struggling With Questions About The Bible? Maybe This Video Might Help You

Spirituality is one of the most difficult decisions one has to make and one of the hardest things to uncover in life. Who should you listen to? What God do you follow? Is there even a God?

I know for many of us wanting to travel a little bit deeper down the rabbit hole, we eventually make our way to the Spirituality/Religion section after science failed to answer all the questions we had about life. Although we approach the topic with tremendous resistance, we all eventually get there. Even the straight faced atheists out there read through at least a few pages of the Torah, Bible or Quran to make sure they are at least partially educated on the topic before blasting through their arguments against God’s existence.

I wasted away years spending time in misguided intellectual masturbation sessions over the existence of God. But today, I have landed, after many soul searching years, as a Believer. This arrival and the path that led me here was unfortunately, incredibly painful and emotionally gruelling. In hindsight, I am amazed that I managed to persist for so long without any real concrete answers. If I experienced that lack of resolve in any other area of my life for that many years, I probably would have given up on the search many moons ago.

I for one, was not one of those individuals who just woke up one day and was born again, overflowing with faith. I have no idea how some people can just turn to faith without any painstaking critical analysis. I look to these people even today with a twisted jealousy. Why I had to read so many books, spend so many hours with spiritual practitioners, or nights petitioning my heart out in prayer to finally turn my heart and mind around, God only knows.

Today, I try my best to minimize that pain and struggle others might face on their own journey. If there is any tool, tip, book, sermon, speech or testimony I can plant in the curious minds of others, I sow that seed immediately.

I recently came across Jon and Tim’s work on Youtube, and it is extremely well done. I wish I would’ve had this quick explanation of what the Bible was all about when I made my way back to Christianity. It may have saved me hours of struggle. After watching this quick clip, I found myself delving into several other of their videos about the Torah as well. Let me know what you guys thought about this video about the Bible!

  • itforce

    August 3, 2017 #1 Author

    nice article

    Romans 12 (:


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