The great synonym for error we all chose to use so frequently is failure. We are taught from early age to avoid any situations...

The great synonym for error we all chose to use so frequently is failure. We are taught from early age to avoid any situations or actions that may lead to the resolve of this feeling or notion of inadequacy. So it is no wonder that we sit in a place of zero action when trying to find solutions to life’s problem. We are nurtured to be trial-adverse (my new term!!), and with this stagnation we leave opportunity for growth and knowledge on the table. This bashful, sheltered approach to living defends your ego, and little more. Error will never be in short supply, and “to err is human” so why not take more kicks at the can and trust that eventually through correction and adjustment, solutions will start to take form. You are not successfully avoiding error by avoiding trial (safe zone), you are avoiding learning and growth.




For an interesting article on a study done on the benefits of trial and error on adult memory, link here!

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