Reddit Readers Come Clean With Their Life Struggles and Secrets Reddit Readers Come Clean With Their Life Struggles and Secrets
As humans we all struggle with honesty and usually lack an ability to manage our deepest vulnerabilities. A great internal dilemma usually then takes... Reddit Readers Come Clean With Their Life Struggles and Secrets

As humans we all struggle with honesty and usually lack an ability to manage our deepest vulnerabilities. A great internal dilemma usually then takes place. Do we then chose to expose our greatest fears in hopes of moving forward in life, or do we hold these toxic experiences deep within, never to share or relive these experiences with anyone?

The faults and secrets we have been harbouring for so many years might not be so different after all. Reddit readers were asked to comment about some of their darker skeletons they have kept in their  proverbial closets. Here are a few of our favourite secrets that people have been living with. You too might find that your tragedy held deeply within could now be released. You aren’t alone in your struggle.

Would you be able to come clean if you held these same secrets within?


We all Have secrets


 In mid-December I was head-hunted and offered my dream position at a company I have dreamt about working for. I moved away to the capital and made a plan with my university to finish my degree whilst working. The kicker? I have early stage cancer. I found out before taking the job. I haven’t told a soul.


I don’t want to live with my parents any more. I’m 27, make really good money, and could move out whenever I want. But my parents are both permanently disabled and I pay them rent in addition to most of the bills. They’re also currently in the process of fighting the banks to keep their house. If I move out everything will most likely collapse and they’ll lose the house and have to move.


My daughter isn’t mine. My fiancée went away for a tough mudder (mud run) the weekend “my” daughter was conceived. I took the baby to get a DNA test one day when my fiancée was at work and I was at home with her and sure enough, just like on Maury, I was NOT the father. I went to a doctor and it turns out I am sterile. I can’t tell anyone because I love the little girl like she’s my own but it hurts when people comment on how much “she looks like her mom” but never how much she looks like me. I could never bring myself to say anything to her though because I don’t want to NOT be in the little girl’s life…as far as she knows, I am her father and she loves me unconditionally and I can’t ruin that.


A friend of mine killed herself when we were younger and no one knew why. It was because her dad molested us when we were kids, and we never told anyone.


I love my fiancée but her complete lack of sex drive is making me disinterested in our relationship. I have tried all manner of buy-in over the last three years to get her interest up and we have fought about it many times but I have finally given up. I am extremely sexual and so was she when we first started dating but she will only have sex a few times a month. She says she orgasms and enjoys it when we do but often rushes me to finish so even when it happens the sex is rarely intimate or satisfying for me. It makes me feel unattractive and undesirable and in turn makes it difficult for me to be affectionate with her. She is beautiful and fun and way out of my league so there is intense pressure from all of my friends to stay with her (constant “if you don’t marry her you are a moron” comments) We live together but I spend more and more time isolated from her and my friends because the anxiety of feeling like I am doing the wrong thing by marrying her is crippling. I usually end up at home with headphones on playing games while she watches TV or is out drinking with her friends.


On my deployment I killed people because it was my job. I have a hard time living with myself, knowing this is what I do for a living.


I’m a renowned chef (to an extent). I don’t have my own TV show or anything but I have been featured on a few FoodTV shows as well as a few shows on The Cooking Channel. Anthony Bourdain has stopped by one of my restaurants in the early days of No Reservations.

My Secret: I absolutely HATE most of the food I cook. I cater to the rich snobby crowd and it’s amazing how sheep-like these people can be. I could take a fucking pile of dirt but as long as I say it’s been ‘braised’ and finished off with some ‘truffle oil’ served with a tbs of ‘caviar’, they’ll “LOVE” it because of those random key words thrown in there.


I found out at age 22 that I am adopted… I only found out because my biological mother added me on Facebook one day…


I live check to check, I pass out drunk every night, I have no kids or significant other and I’m getting older. My retirement plan is to kill myself in a way that won’t cost anyone money when I’m too tired for labor anymore.


I got raped when I was about 8 years old. Few years later I found him and smashed his knees, so he can’t walk to the actual day. He is now a beggar in my home city and I don’t regret anything. I still have some mental problems with it, but after the years it gets better, except for my sex life, I still have bad days and can’t really enjoy.


My husband is having an affair. I know but I am too scared of what will happen if I confront him. He is so narcissistic that he can’t see anything wrong with anything he does. We have a 9 year old and I think it would destroy him. Edit: my mom was married 7 different times while I was growing up. I have a huge fear of becoming her. I know it’s irrational but that is what stops me. I have a good job and can afford it. Thanks for encouragement. I do have solid proof. I haven’t confronted him yet. I know he will lie because he lies every time I confront him in an argument.


I thought I was going to graduate college, had a massive what seemed to be a week long panic attack, stopped working on my last paper. Did the walk but never turned in the paper. Have been lying to folks about having a degree for 7 yrs. (I have contact the school and if I could get the paper completed and turned in the prof would grade and I could graduate, but I have no idea were to start).


I wish my brother was dead, I know this makes me sound terrible but there are reasons behind it. My brother was born three years before me. He was born with a malformed brain, which causes him to act like a 6 month old for the rest of his life, meaning he screams at night, always wants to eat, and is very temperamental. Currently he is twenty and he still lives with me and my parents, he also since his birth has developed man things, diabetes, a gimp leg, legally blind but can see very, very poorly. He also, due to his malformed brain, has an immune system deficiency. Which means when our family gets a slight flu, he gets so sick we have to bring him to a special hospital, for example when i was 9 and he was 12 we went to visit family for Christmas, where my whole family got sick, we had to leave early because he started having serious seizures and went into cardiac arrest.  I digress, the reason I want him to die, is because he has no sense of deep emotion, only vague tones of happy, sad and confused, he has no style of life in his current situation, and he is a terribly large burden on both of my parents.


I bought my under-age brother alcohol, which him and his friends got drunk with. They all died in a drunk driving accident that night, all because I bought them drinks…


As a child I was sexually abused by a family “friend”. I’ve never been able to hold a relationship and any form of touching just freaks me out. Every once in a while I have dreams about it. I remember telling my mother and she didn’t believe me, saying he was a “nice” person. I don’t think I’ll ever hold down a relationship because of it, and it just depresses me. It has ruined me, I’ve tried and contemplated suicide, to me it’s as if I were alone because of it.


37 years, 2 months, and 24 days ago, I killed someone.


You are not alone


I have an eating disorder that I’ve been fighting alone for about 5 years. He thinks I’m just naturally really skinny.

Actually, this is the first time I’ve admitted this publicly. It feels kind of good.


My wife and I have 3 beautiful kids. I recently found out I’ve been sterile all my life.


Our finances are far from “OK” and we’ve been living on my savings for a while. He really needs to get a job, or I’m not sure what will happen. I haven’t told him because he’s really been putting in a lot of effort and becoming slowly depressed that he can’t find a job – I don’t want to make it worse.


My boyfriend slept with my roommate right before we started dating. He still doesn’t know this but she got pregnant and had an abortion.


My girlfriend thinks that I used my savings to pay for her fake boobs. In reality, I used the profits from my porn aggregator website which she has no idea about.


I just bought a Dodge Viper and I haven’t told the wife yet. It will be shipped to the house in a week.


Someone molested me after every Girl Scout meeting when I was in second grade. And I don’t have a clue who it was. The leader’s son…or daughter…or the leader…or another girl scout… I don’t have a clue. But that’s why I can’t ever be in a bathroom with someone else and I always push him out when I’m doing something as simple as brushing my teeth.


I’m 22 and still suck my thumb. We have been together 3+ years.


The reason I need to be alone a lot is that I have Tourette’s; I can only keep my tics under control for so long.


I am SCARED SHITLESS about the little surprise my girlfriend and I got two weeks ago. So far I’ve been pretty successful in maintaining a confident, tuff guy exterior, (“Don’t worry babe, I’ll get an interview any day now, everything will be fine”, ect). But in reality, I am woefully unprepared to be a parent. I just dug myself out of the deepest depression of my life not even two months ago. I barely make 40k a year (interview is for a better job, just finished my bachelors). I’m still a child myself- I have no idea how I’m going to raise one of my own with any success.

As far as she knows, though, I’ve totally got this under control, no problem.


That my depression is much, much wore than he knows, and I’m very close to either checking into a mental hospital or doing something unbelievably stupid and hurtful.


That I have made out with two men.


I think her vagina is loose compared to previous girlfriends.


I have terminal cancer, my SO knows this, what she doesn’t know is that before things get very bad for me and she has to see that, I will already have taken my own life to spare her that pain.


I love my wife completely and would give my life to save hers, but I’m still pretty sure my girlfriend from many years ago was my soul mate. I broke it off with her to protect her from my own personal problems and have always been haunted by it. Every day since then has felt as though I’m living someone else’s life. It’s a good, happy life but I feel like I zigged when the script called for me to zag and now the movie is one big ad-lib.


I started dating my fiancée right before my first deployment. I went through three tours. I proposed the day after my honorary discharge. She was applying to med schools at that time and still had serious student loans. I still had some from my undergrad before I enlisted. Then the economy tanked hardcore. I was unemployed for four months and things were looking bad for us.

Anyway, I made a phone call to a recruiter for a private security firm. Given my service history and the unit I was with, they jumped on the chance to fly me in for an interview and a week long evaluation. I told my fiancée that I was re-enlisting.

That was two years ago. Since then, I have worked for this firm in Iraq, Afghanistan, several African nations, and have run personal security for people in the Middle East and in South America. As far as she knows, I am active duty US military in a non-combat logistics role. In the meantime, I have made enough money to pay off our student debts, to cover med school, and to have a good amount invested. We’re not rich, but we’re going to be okay.


I have a wicked pill addiction and I’m high on painkillers 80% of the time. It’s been over a year.


My ex girlfriend and I had a baby that we gave up for adoption. She was pregnant when we broke up, unbeknown to both of us (at least to me, she says she didn’t know but I suspect she did and let it sabotage our relationship, but I can’t be sure). I’ve been dating a different girl for a few months and I don’t know if this is something I need to tell her or if it’s even a big deal. She’s the first girl I’ve been somewhat serious about since the ex. My ex and I haven’t spoken in years and the baby is several states away.


That I used to be a heroin junkie and OD’d less than a year ago. That’s something no one knows. I hid it well.


Yeah, um, my boyfriend thinks I’m a virgin.


He doesn’t know that I’m also into women. And I don’t plan to tell him…. I wouldn’t mind having sex with another couple myself, but have no interest in seeing my boyfriend playing with a chick I’m into.


Well when I was going out with her, I never told her I cross-dress recreationally. :/


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