Could YouTube Be The Best Way For You To Communicate With Your Future Tribe? Could YouTube Be The Best Way For You To Communicate With Your Future Tribe?
So many people have picked my brain about starting up their own form of expression in the online world. Many of you have chosen to... Could YouTube Be The Best Way For You To Communicate With Your Future Tribe?

So many people have picked my brain about starting up their own form of expression in the online world. Many of you have chosen to go the blog/website route, while others have decided to start their own podcasts and YouTube channels. While I would never advocate one over the other because they all serve as such incredible forms of expression depending on your calling, but I will admit to having always been partial to YouTube. Now you might be thinking to yourself why I haven’t made the switch over to YouTube, and the short answer to this that I’m incredibly camera shy and lack the confidence I think it would take to put communicate the same ideas that I have done on GrowthGuided.

I think most people use that same excuse as a barrier to entry on YouTube, the other common concern I always hear is that the market is already too flooded, followed with the presumption that it would be impossible to attract subscribers. That is true to a certain degree but the advantage of the YouTube vlog approach to communication versus blog format is that it gives so many more degrees of communication in which you can connect with people.

If you recall from psychology 101 – body language, visual stimulus and vocal range is so much more powerful than the actual words used when it comes to communication, therefore no matter how hard bloggers like myself attempt to create tone in our message we will always forego the opportunity really transmute a message they way we could visually. The even more promising thing to consider about YouTube is that their sheer mass of traffic that they generate daily. It’s always better to get a tiny piece of massive business than it is to have a large slice of next to nothing, such as many things in life.

Yesterday’s post about Mere Exposure Effect is such a timely piece of information for you to utilize to your benefit if you do decide to start a channel this week. It’s no wonder some of these YouTube channels seem to blow up when they start to even get a little big of subscriber momentum. Use the infographic below as motivation to start your own channel today. The numbers speak for themselves. Remember that every single one of those YouTube channel creators that are successful now all started making videos with zero followers and are no more talented or intelligent than you are. They just loved what they did and continued to create content week after week, even when no one seemed to be paying attention to their work and eventually got some traction.


YouTube - growth guided - infographic
infographic via

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