Come See What Celebrities Look Like Without Photoshop Come See What Celebrities Look Like Without Photoshop
As an early 80’s baby I was fortunate enough to grow up in a world where every kid didn’t have their own smartphone to... Come See What Celebrities Look Like Without Photoshop

As an early 80’s baby I was fortunate enough to grow up in a world where every kid didn’t have their own smartphone to capture their every waking moment. Do you want to know what my first cell phone did? It made phone calls and sent text message, full stop! My old Nokia bar phone most definitely couldn’t upload pictures to the internet, let alone take pictures.

I will admit to feeling pretty important strolling through the halls in high school as one of the first people to have their own cell phone, let alone only being in grade 8. Just the fact that I could be down the street at a friends house and still be reached by my friends(mostly my mom) was mind blowing enough for me and my peers. But, that was 1997 and cell phones were only offered with small black and white screens back then. I’m sure some of you younger individuals reading this on your big bright screens right now are having difficultly even imaging how terrible of a life that must have been, but let me remind you of the fact that the first iPhone only came out in 2007.

Today, you will find most children snapping pictures and uploading to Instagram. Even as recent as last night I was reminded just how much things have changed since I was a young man, as I watched a child no older than 11 years stop his little bicycle to quickly snap a picture of a car he was admiring with his iPhone. The only way for me to capture a moment like that to share with my friends would be for me to recount the experience through memory.

The pressure to be ‘cool’ is very real in those younger years, and I can only imagine how much pressure the youth face to obtain online social validation. I will never be able to relate to their ruthless struggle to look perfect in pictures while going through the awkward stages of puberty. If these kids were even half as insecure about my acne and other bodily imperfections it is no wonder photo doctoring apps are being used so frequently! The mental torture of Instagram must be unbearable to a young girl trying to fit in and express her own beauty as they scan through their favourite celebrities feed. Unfortunately we don’t read what should be really captured below the pictures like, “hips trimmed by 30%” or “breasts enlarged by 40%”, to exemplify just how imperfect these “stars” are.

To help ease some of that stress we have compiled a few pictures of your favourite celebrities before and after photoshop for you to see just how work goes into making these humans look perfect.

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