Time For Cars That Don’t Need Fuel For 100 Years
Informative April 24, 2014 growthguided 1

Many of you have recently read articles about the potential for cars to be fuelled by Thorium and that these cars would run for up to 100 years without needing a fill-up. You may be scratching your head, thinking to yourself now….Thorium? Isn’t that like nuclear power?….Yes, you would be right! This is the same Thorium that many scientist believe could change the course of clean nuclear energy for our future. Laser Power Systems has recently staked claims at the market potential for vehicles that would run for 100 years without needing to fuel up and would run on only a few grams of Thorium (very impressive). Now of course it might be far away to make these engines available to the masses, but it sure would be neat project to conquer over the next few decades as more research is done into the efficiency for this type for fuel free vehicle.
I thought it would be helpful for you to take some time to learn about the incredible power of Thorium and how it might very well be used in the near future. Motherboard TV put together this incredible short documentary on this subject controversial subject matter which is well worth the watch. I have always been a fan of nuclear power and wish more people would educate themselves on its cleanliness potential. Let me know in the comments below if your opinion changes about nuclear power after watching this doc.