Struggling To Get Pregnant? Think IVF Cyprus!
Health January 19, 2018 growthguided 0
Nowadays, people have more choices on how to grow their families. Technology provides them these choices. But sometimes financials and legalities come into play. It’s a welcome thought that countries like Cyprus are more empowering.
So your choices lean towards the more off-beat, sometimes radical approach. Why not? Go for it! That’s what it takes to be empowered. Technology allows it.
Women can choose to have children much later in life. Women can choose to have children and remain single. While other people can grow their own families, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Kabeer defines empowerment as “the expansion of people’s ability to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability was previously denied to them.” Breakthroughs in assisted reproductive technology like fertility trackers and in vitro fertilization proves that science is changing the future of fertility.
But there’s more to it than that. Finances and legalities also come in. In the UK, prices for IVF treatments range from 13,000 to 15,000 euros. In the US, prices can soar as high as 16,000 to 28,000 euros. UK, Australian and American laws can also be a bit limiting.
So if you’re feeling empowered, think IVF Cyprus. IVF rates and laws there are more enabling. Here’s how.
- Excellent rights. Other nations make it hard for you to maintain rights over the child. If you want to make sure that you retain full legal parenthood of your child, then sperm, egg or embryo donation in Cyprus makes by far and away the most sense.
- Equal rights. Sperm, egg or embryo donation in Cyprus is anonymous. Donors do not have to worry about things like their anonymity being exposed. You don’t need to worry about your child being able to hunt down the donor without consent. After successful donor insemination, the obligations from the sperm donor end at that – allowing all parties to move on happily.
But not all are on the same page. Some prefer to give their child rights to contact their bio-parent in the future. Some clinics in Cyprus also provide known-donor options.
Since donors are anonymous, there is no shortage of sperm and egg donors. There are many in Cyprus, and it’s a multi-ethnic donor base. As a result, there are no waiting lists. You do not endure long waits anymore.
Advanced aged women Friendly
This no-wait list idea is perfect for women advanced in age. Time is running out. Time is of the essence. Luckily, women aged 45 to 55 may have IVF in Cyprus.
The legal maximum age for IVF treatments in North Cyprus is 45. But clinics can use discretion with patients up to 55 years. They must meet certain criteria and have undergo specific tests for “Fitness for Pregnancy”.
Women advanced in age should be given the chance to have a baby if they are still fit and capable. Age is not necessarily an indication of health.
Singles friendly
Not all countries support single women undergoing IVF either. In the UK for example, the National Health Service (NHS) guidelines on IVF apply only to couples. But each Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) criteria for treatment varies. There were some cases of single women with NHS-funded IVF. But these are very rare.
Single women can avail of IVF treatment in Australia. But when they do, they still feel a bit left out. Programs in clinics are designed for couples. Forms are for couples. There are even instances where clinic interviews discourage single women from going through the process.
In Cyprus, all singles who wish to become parents are welcome. No questions asked. And the affordable rates make decisions like these easier. It is not always easy if you are doing this alone.
LGBTQ friendly
Cyprus does not discriminate against sexual orientations either. Gay couples and singles may have their treatment there. They will not encounter any discomfort whatsoever.
Lesbian couples may choose sperm donation. They can follow the ROPA method or “Reception of Oocytes from Partner”. This method makes both women feel part of the process and both become the baby’s biological parents. It can be explained in three steps:
- One does a classic in vitro fertilization.
- The eggs are fertilised with the donor’s sperm.
- They embryos are transferred to the other partner.
Dunya IVF in Cyprus have treated lesbian couples using this method for years. Gay men who wish to be parents may choose surrogacy. Their sperm (either of the men’s) is fertilized with a donor egg. Then the embryo is transferred to a surrogate.
Surrogacy in Cyprus is more lenient and liberal. IVF Cyprus regulation allows embryo transfer to a surrogate. Clinics can carry out embryo transfer from the intended parents to the surrogate mother without any legal challenges.
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