Where do you spend your money. Do you operate from credit, or do you spend only when you have the cash? Do you purchase...

Where do you spend your money. Do you operate from credit, or do you spend only when you have the cash? Do you purchase high fashion or will no name brand clothing suffice to keep you warm through the winter holidays? Have you purchased your way out of a depressed state?

Millions of people operate their monthly expenditure with few rules and guidelines which generally always leave the large banks with more and more of a profit. The old consuming patterns of only buying when you had the money upfront are long gone, we impulsively spend without any real need. The temporary relief one gets from buying that new products sends a rush of endorphins through the brain in a place of satiation. The marketing companies influence the minds of us all in such subtle ways, we some times sit in confusion of why we just made certain purchases. Was it the almost drug reaction we get from spending, or is it that drive to keep up with the jones?


Have you found yourself chasing for the malls weekly in search of something that can give you that temporary smile and satisfaction?



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