Give Yourself Permission To Be Creative Today [VIDEO]
Here’s One Beautiful Way To Tolerate Isolation [VIDEO]
Go outside if you’re able, breathe the airthere are trees for huggingdon’t be embarrassedit’s your friend, it’s your mother,...
One Woman’s Path To God In Japan
わたしのチイサナココロ is a short documentary following the steps of one woman’s journey along the...
Ray Lewis Inspiration [VIDEO]
Where are you getting your guidance from? It doesn’t need to be parents, school teachers, doctors, counselors or other means which we see as typical support in your community. The message can come from anyone who has seen and felt tragedy from many levels and found a way out... Read more
Christmas isn’t just a place of celebration and joy. It should be a time where you consider the less fortunate and how other struggle in life, and then recognize your gratitude and see where you have struggled as well. Maintaining that growth mindset is crucial for developing habits that... Read more
Failure is Part of Success
Fail your way to success is something Les Brown continues to preach at his seminars. The concept that reaching your pinnacle is all process of being terrible at something and not giving in, because no matter what you are striving towards it’s a promise that you will eventually get... Read more
How long do we have to seek in life before that connection or bell rings in your head that you have found your calling? How well tuned do we have to be in the first place before we can’t even be at a place to hear or recognize that... Read more
People love to buy, people love to be sold ideas, and most of all people like to buy from people they like. The best network marketer has an incredible charm for peoples attention, and can shape a room to his demands. How can you go about shaping your own... Read more
The internet seems to plague young people to extremes. Judgement and comparisons that just were not in place prior to the rapid fire users of Twitter, Facebook, Smartphones, etc. We can spread information about each other so easily that rumours can spread like wildfire in the matter of minutes,... Read more
With 39 days left in 2012, it’s always important to keep in mind the progress you have made and to monitor the resolve you have made with goals set at the beginning of the year. Have you fallen short of a few of them? Have you forgot to even... Read more
Tony constantly pushes the idea that we all have control of our own feelings. We can seek a different state of feeling through changing of state. This concept that through vocal and physical reaction the body and mind will follow. Have you tried aggressive affirming statements out loud with... Read more
Witnessing others push through boundaries in life is all good and well, but at what time do we get off the sidelines and make our own moves? What makes these other people more valuable, or capable success and rewards?, absolutely nothing! Day after day their actions produce rewards of... Read more
Dig deep my friends, dig deep. Life is coming for you, prepare yourself for the turning tides from fortune to conflict. How do you stick your sail into the wind of change, is really a matter of how you release the walls of ignorance we are all burdened with... Read more
Recognize where you stand, where you are going, and what action you are taking. Potentially you need assistance in the form of a mentor or a coach to shine light on your life course before you can correct your path. Most of us operate oblivious to the great impact of... Read more
What is a goal? Why do we need goes? Why do we set goals? Who really sets goals anyways? Growing up we set goals like buying a bike with a paper route money or doing work around the house, then we age a little and larger goals come into... Read more